Defining Success in Media Ministry part 2

I’ve been mulling around this question more and more over the last few weeks. I posed the question how do I measure success in the various areas I see. The best I can come up with is to establish some general guidelines. But this sounds more like a generic job description. Stuff like:

-Web: Content is up to date, gfx and visuals are fresh, help visitors make the decision to visit and members to make new commitments (ie sign up for classes or other opportunities)
-Graphic Design/ Video Production: Projects meet deadlines and budget. Quality is professional and fresh. No errors in content
-Sound/ Tech: Equipment is setup and ready to go for the weekend. Services are executed without mistakes. Installs completed on time and under budget. How many volunteers have recruited and developed?

But this doesn’t give me much feedback in a quantifiable way. How do I measure what i did last year to this year? How do I set goals for the next year?

I have some goals for this year but they are very task and budget orientated:
-Redesign our website. With the goals of making it easier to maintain and add content that brings people back (ie pastor’s blogs, media
-Bi-Amp our Mains in the sanctuary and add a EAW UX-8800 processor to the system
-Replace old amps (they are pushing 12 years old) with new amps
-Improve video overflow mainly with new cameras
-Improve monitor situation for frontline singers
-Redo all digital signage content (some of it is several years old)
-Document the lighting system
-Look at using some existing lights or add lights for color washes on back of stage and side walls
-Improve sound in youth room with properly caging the drums and adding some gates
-Replace sound board in college/ junior high room
-Establish consistent training for youth and college sound teams
-Recruit a Wed sound person and 2 more media operators

If I accomplish these things does that make my year a success? On a scale of 1-10 where would it fall? Would my boss see it as a success?

Sometimes I feel like I’m looking for a blue jelly bean in a black and white world. I hope this isn’t coming across as negative or too melancholic. I am happy with my job and life. I feel like I am doing a good job at work. It’s that artistic side, wondering if my work is really reaching it’s potential.

February 12, 2008. Personal Growth.

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