Rally Day Videos

We kick off our small group semesters at Lakeshore with a big push we call “Rally Day”. As the creative programing developed lots of ideas were kicked around for videos…I don’t know if it’s because I’m the new guy and they’ve had lots of video ideas and were just waiting for someone to make them a reality. Or if these ideas are really good video ideas… Anyway I was tasked with creating two videos. One to promote a Financial Peace Class and the other to promote our small groups as a whole.

Here’s the FPU video:

It was all shot in our “studio” setup with the Sony EX-1. Edited with FCP and graded with Magic Bullet Looks. I think we got some good content for me to edit but visually it’s a little monotonous. I think I need to interview people twice and change the camera angles so I have variety in my edits. And on the shot with the couple I need to zoom into who is talking. The lady who gives the details in the middle of the video about the class talked a bit too fast.

Here’s the Rally Day video:

Randy Ross works for SMU football and was our “coach” for the video. I really with I would have had another person with me on the shoot at SMU. I have a pro camera guy in the church who can help me on remote shoots but he was working that day. And I do not do well running camera and directing on run and gun shoots.

As for the testimonies it’s visually repetitive as well. I need to either shoot with 2 cameras or take 2 takes with each shoot.

If you have any ideas on how to improve the standard testimony video shoot I’d love to hear them. Some ideas I have are:
-Shoot with multiple angles
-Shoot on location if we can dramatically retell the story
-Fram the shot to have kinetic type tell/ emphasize parts of the story

September 30, 2009. Video. Leave a comment.